Albert-Salbert-Schweitzer-Realschule was founded in 1942.
There are about 650 students (aged 10 to 16/17) and 45 teachers.
Lessons start at 7.50 am and finish at 13.05.
In the afternoon there are clubs and activities (volleyball, hockey, drama,
computing, orchestra, choir etc.), but most students go home after the sixth lesson.
Subjects taught at the school are:
Maths, German, English, French, Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, Geography, Religious Education, Physical Education, Art, Music, Technical
Drawing, Home Economics, Science, History, Social Studies.
There is no final exam at the end of the last year.
The pupils have to do quite a lot of big and small tests throughout the year.
Twice a year they get a school report with marks for each subject.
Many of the students have extra music lessons in which they learn to play special instruments.
They mostly start music lessons in their first year at the school.
The school´s orchestra has quite a lot of performances every year.Click to view the school site here.